Seminar Series: Electron Microscopy

Emilie Ringe, PhD
University of Cambridge
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
Website; CV
September 7, 2018

Miguel Jose Yacaman, PhD
Northern Arizona University
Applied Physics and Materials Science
Website; CV
October 19, 2018

Ray Carpenter, PhD
Arizona State University
Eyring Materials Center
Website; CV
November 16, 2018

Hector A. Calderon, PhD
Instituto Politecnico Nacional,
School of Physics and Math
Website; CV
November 30, 2018

Christian Kisielowski, PhD
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Molecular Foundry
Website; CV
January 25, 2019

David C. Bell, PhD
Harvard University
John A. Paulson
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Gordon McKay Professor
Website; CV
February 15, 2019

Mauricio Terrones, PhD
PennState University
Distinguished Professor
Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering
Website; CV
March 7, 2019

David W. McComb, PhD
Ohio State University
Professor & Ohio Res. Scholar
Materials Science Engineering

Jane Howe, PhD
University of Toronto
Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Pulikel Ajayan, PhD
Rice University
Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Professor of Engineering
Professor and Chair, Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering

Guanhui Gao, PhD
Rice University
Department of Materials Science and Nano-Engineering

David J. Flannigan, PhD
University of Minnesota
Associate Professor, L.E. Scriven Chair
McKnight Presidential Fellow
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Workshops and demos organized by the World’s Leading TEM Manufacturers